Our Fleet

Tropic Helicopters owns and operates two Airbus helicopters. An Airbus H125 B3e and a Airbus H130 T2 based out of Tango Tango Zulu aerodrome in Usa River, Arusha, Tanzania. Our helicopters have an unmatched ability to operate in hot and dusty conditions, and at high altitude.

Airbus H125 B3e

We operate 1 Airbus H125 (AS350B3e) helicopter – they are the best in their field with superior performance in extreme environments.  Flights are low level with the doors often wide open, forward facing seats, maximum comfort and headsets for easy communication.

Capacity: 5 passenger seats and 1 pilot

Speed/ Distance:  115 knots per Nautical Mile @ full weight

Endurance:  3.5 hours (including 30 minutes reserve)

Emergency call-out:  Mobilisation within 30 minutes.

Heli Safaris

Airbus H130 T2

Our Airbus H130 T2 can accommodate 6 passengers in a large roomy cabin.  It has the latest technology with state of the art avionics, superb operational performance, and offers greater capabilities in casualty evacuation as well as safari excursions.  

6 passenger seats and 1 pilot

(2 passengers – center and front right, 4 in the rear, all forward facing)

Cruise Speed: 130 knots 

Endurance: 3.8 hours